Friday, March 4, 2011

Important Advice


Last night I was going to go to a Fasching party (a pre-Lent party, like Mardi Gras) held in another dorm.

So I leave my room,
walk downstairs,
and turn the handle of the door.

Only, the door won't open.

So I take out my key and turn it in the lock, all the way around.
And the door still won't unlock.
I turn it all the way in the other direction.
Still no luck.

This went on for about five minutes.
At one point, I actually said out loud to myself: "Is this a dream?"

By that time I had worked up a sweat trying to maneuver the lock and in the panic of realizing that if the building were on fire I would be in a much more desperate situation. So I decided just to go back to my room and go to bed, after I wrote the blog post about München.

So at least you (hopefully) benefited from my hypothetical near death experience.

This morning, the following note was posted on the door:
Important advice indeed.

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